The UX Guide For Picking a Perfect Gift
This completely changed how I think about buying gifts...
Hi there 👋 I'm Michelle and welcome to Edition 69 of Design Insight. A weekly newsletter for creatives with a focus on design.
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📃 3 Articles
The UX Guide of Picking a Perfect Gift (for Designers and Everyone Else)
The video in 3 ideas:
The gift-giving trinity: it has to be nice, it has to be made, it has to be thoughtful.
Books are a great gift as they can be thoughtful and you can make them personal with a note or inscription inside the cover.
Consider creating a toolkit or a hamper of useful things like stationery, tools, notebooks, merch, etc.
Most social profiles aren't very good. Here's how to fix yours.
The article in 3 ideas:
If you want to grow a meaningful audience online, it's critical that you give people a reason to follow you.
The first thing people see when they land on your Twitter profile is your banner image so it’s crucial to use this space wisely.
Bio/tagline formula = Who you are + what you do/who you help + what people can expect if they follow you.
The Big Easy: How To Publish Content Prolifically With Very Little Effort.
The article in 3 ideas:
The more time you can spend prepping your content when the idea strikes, the more you have to work with when it comes to creating the content.
Plan the week ahead at the weekend so you don’t have to think about it during the week.
Building a bank of ideas makes it easy to work on things that inspire you, grab your attention, and have the energy to write.
🔨 2 Tools/Resources
Hand-picked mesh gradients for your next design project.
Combine emojis with this fun tool.
🎨 1 Design Tip
Design Tip

In case you missed it, here are last week's most popular links:
1. Designing the perfect button ➜
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Design Insight Tools + Resources - All the tools and resources I've mentioned across all editions of Design Insight in one place.
You’ve reached the end of this week’s edition of Design Insight. Thank you for reading, I truly hope you found value in the design insights I shared today.
Til next week 👋