How A UI Designer Uses Todoist
Productivity isn't about doing more things - it's about doing the right things
Edition 039 of Design Insight
Hello and welcome back to Design Insight 👋
If you're new here, welcome to our growing community of super creators! I appreciate you and truly hope you find lots of value here 🤗
Let's get started.
🗃 3 Resources
📃 Article - The Secret Career Defining Power of Systems
The article in 3 ideas:
Our systems today are our future tomorrow.
It is the repetition of the system that compounds over time and will massively increase the odds of your success.
If you base your confidence on completing your daily system (process) instead of the results you create internal validation. Complete your daily system and you will feel pride and confidence.
🔨 Resource - Conic.css
Source: @argyleink
A resource of conic style gradients (these are more visually interesting than linear or radial gradients). Simply click the gradient to copy the CSS to your clipboard.
🔨 Resource - It’s Centered That
Source: @supremohq
A fun skill to test your designer's eye. You have to guess whether or not the dot is in the center of each shape.
🎨 2 Design Tips
This month we're focusing on design tips from other designers on Twitter 😃
How to think about Hierarchy

Here is how I learn UI design

📃 1 Article I Wrote
How A UI Designer Uses Todoist
If you are a UI designer yourself or someone considering using Todoist as your task management tool, you’ll find this article helpful.
🐦 Top Tweet Of The Week

In case you missed it, here are last week's most popular links:
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Design Insight Tools + Resources - All the tools and resources I've mentioned across all editions of Design Insight in one place.
You’ve reached the end of this week’s edition of Design Insight. Thank you for reading, I truly hope you found value in the design insights I shared today.
Til next week 👋